Digital Literacy

Created by : NASSCOM Foundation

Start Date : 06-12-2018 13:51:32

End Date : 06-12-2018 19:00:32

Where it's Happening : All India, Delhi

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The Story So Far NASSCOM Foundation's Volunteering program - MyKartavya invites volunteers to help teach a minimum of 2 people around them on digital literacy curriculum. The goal is that at least one person per household is digitally literate in order to enable inclusive growth in the new age digital economy. Please register to become a part of this large-scale, national movement to create a supportive ecosystem for the thousands of citizens who currently don't know how to access the benefits of a Digital India.

3 Volunteers
15 Hours
  • Thursday Dec 6, 2018 14:36:32

    Aparajita Singh

    I can never forget how
    our small steps can change lif